Factory Five Begins Production of the Mk5 Roadster

Car and Driver has put out a new article on the new Factory Five Mk5 Roadster! Senior Editor Ezra Dyer said, “Factory Five Racing is rolling out a new version of its Cobra replica called the Mk5 Roadster. The Mk5 has room for larger drivers and an optional removable hardtop that includes the windshield. Prices start at $24,990 and the car is in production now—assembly not included.”

“Factory Five got started building Cobra replica kits in 1995,” Ezra continues, “and now 30 years later they’re rolling out the fifth generation of their kit, dubbed the Mk5 Roadster. It’s still got two seats, a V-8 and DIY instructions, but the Mk5 is a long way from both the car that inspired it and its own immediate predecessor, the Mk4.”

Click here to read the full article on Car & Driver’s website.

Click here to learn more about the Mk5 Roadster.