1st Quarter Physical Inventory
Posted on March 28, 2012 by Dave Lindsey in What's New
Not the most sexy project but absolutely critical to our business is quarterly parts inventory. The crew is working on this big project until the end of this week so if the phones are a bit slow, please bear with us… We’ll be at full strength on Monday. Shipping is open today (Wednesday) but will be closed tomorrow and Friday.
Dave Smith
Meredith is taking charge of the inventory project
"Classic " Brian is doing the tough work of parts counting and scales set-up
Eddie and Chris just learned how much they have to do in only three days!
Paul is a packaging expert and he LOVES physical inventory. (joke there).
Outgoing product is on hold for three days as we count em all up.
This past year has seen tremendous improvements in inventory organization, storage, and accuracy.
Part indentification and storage is impressive and has made a real difference in accurate and on-time shipments.
Every part, nut, bolt, has to be counted