Month: April 2021

The Goode Family Build an Mk3 Roadster

Customer Ian G. from Alberta, Canada has officially graduated his Mk3 Roadster build! Ian took delivery of his Roadster in June 2006, and built the car with his two sons. They officially had their Mk3 on the road in 2010 in gel-coat with the donor car's 5.0L enigne. They would…Read More Profiles Factory Five Mk4 in Dubai!

Factory Five's community continues to expand around the world with customers in other countries building and driving FFR kits. We recently were sent this story posted on's website about a customer, Sam, who purchased a Mk4 Roadster in early 2020, and has been driving it around Dubai for the…Read More

Customer Ron V. Shares Coupe Build Update

Customer Ron V. sent us an update on his Factory Five Type 65 Coupe build commenting that he's been hard at work and having fun since delivery! The Coupe was built with a carbureted, aluminum head, BluePrint Engines 347, a TKO 600 transmission, Moser 8.8" rear end with 3.55 gears,…Read More

Factory Five Community Charity Work in COVID Year!

Got lemons? Make Lemonade is the old adage.  That's exactly what the crew at Factory Five and the larger Factory Five community has been doing this year of COVID, a.k.a. "The Year without car shows!"  FFR charitable work has been remarkable and the results are making a a real difference. Here are…Read More