Gregg Eichler and The Factory Five Community
How we choose to spend the time we have is at the very core of the Factory Five community. I met Gregg Eichler in July of 2002 when he was on his honeymoon with his new wife, Marianne. I wrote a post called “Honeymoon in Wareham” where I commented how cool it was that guys like Gregg bring their wives here and these projects typically involve the entire family and even the extended family of Factory Five friends and builders.
Gregg passed away suddenly on a heart attack at the age of 63. Gregg enjoyed the Factory Five project and community immensely and contributed even more. I spent some time in my office and went back and found some photos that Gregg had sent to me back when he ordered his kit and built his finished car. His wife Marianne told me that she will be giving the car to Gregg’s son in the near future, but for now it sits in the garage and she goes out to talk with him there.
We will miss you Gregg. Thanks for the stoke!
Dave Smith
The Passing of Gregg Eichler
It is with great sadness that I announce the passing of my beloved husband, Gregg Eichler. Gregg passed away in our home during the early morning of November 12 from an apparent heart attack. He was 63 years old.
For Gregg, his friends were tremendously important to him. Please know as I write this email to send to all of you, that I am sure Gregg’s spirit is guiding me in letting you know how much you were treasured by him. He loved his friends. From his law school friends, to his University friends, to his circle of friends, his work colleagues and his car building/collecting buddies, and his Naturalist Whale Watching friends, you were so special to him. At the services, I will be displaying the car that Gregg had finished building. It was such an accomplishment for him, and I’m so glad he was able to bring this dream to life. Thank you for being a friend to my husband.
With love, Marianne Rachel

Gregg and Marianne test fit a Mk2 Roadster!