Busy day today at Factory Five! Summer is usually the season where we get the most visits from customers from all over the world. While summer is not quite here yet, we are getting busy! Four visits this morning with a Mk2 Factory Five built by customer Andre S. and a cool 1960’s era Avanti arriving in the parking lot with visitors.

Lunch meant a quick run to the local cranberry cooperative sandwich shop (#makepeace farms) in the XTF.. that also means some fun cranberry bog two tracks on the way back to work!

Later in the afternoon, welding manager Jon D. took a few coworkers out for rides in the Mk4 he built himself.

It’s been a fun but hectic day here at Factory Five. If you want to schedule a tour we prefer Monday, Wednesday, or Fridays at 9am or 3pm . But if you can’t work around that schedule, we will happily work around yours!