This year, we’re heading to Texas for the Texas Cobra Club Spring Meet which will be held this year from March 31st to April 2nd. Last time we were in the lone star state was quite a few years ago, and this year we’re heading there twice! We’ll be at the Texas Cobra Club’s Spring Meet, and then two months later, we’ll be cruising through the state on some of the legs on the Hot Rod Power Tour.
Here is the agenda for the Texas Cobra Club Spring Meet:
Friday, April 01
9am-4pm: Hill Country Cruises – Route(s) TBD
9am-5pm: Track Day at Harris Hill Raceway.
11:30am-1pm: Cruise Lunch Location TBD
6:00-8:00pm: Catered Tailgate Party in the parking lot of the hotel — Weather permitting.
Saturday, April 02
9am -5pm: Cruise/Poker Run Activities TBD
6:00pm: Cash Bar Opens in Banquet Room
6:45pm: Texas Cobra Club Banquet Dinner
8:00pm: “Business” Meeting
Sunday, April 03
8am: Pack up and go home!
Hope to see you this year in Texas! Click here for more information on the event.