Part of our important work here at Factory Five is dedicated to charity. We’ve supported the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation over the years as well as Fisher House and other charities. We have also supported St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital for the last five years with a donation of a Mk4 Roadster chassis kit. Each year, the pilots of FedEx donate their time and talents, and build the car. This year, we donated another complete Mk4 Roadster kit to The FedEx St. Jude PGA Golf Classic.
Super proud of Tony and Ron who donated their Memorial Day weekend (4 days!) to help the pilots of FedEx build this stunning black Mk4 donation car to be auctioned with all money going to help the kids at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Last year’s car raised over $90,000.
The auction will take place at the FedEx Golf Classic charity dinner.
Watch a cool time lapse of the build.
Sponsors included Factory Five, FedEx, Landers Ford, AutoZone, MPS Salvage, Stewart Transport, PPG Paints, BluePrint Engines, Northwest Mississippi Community College, and FedEx Master Executive Council.
Factory Five President Dave Smith will be on hand during the auction at the FedEx St. Jude Golf Classic Pairings Auction. You can donate to the kids at St. Jude, and get more information on this event here.
Dave Smith

Last year, the red Mk4 above raised $95,000 for kids at St. Jude! Left to Right: John Morrison-FedEx Pilot, Ron Everitt-FFR Builder, Mike Bray-FedEx Pilot, Tony Zullo-FFR Tech Leader, and JD Peeples-Dir Marketing ALSAC St. Jude Fundraiser. Seated in car is the new owner of the 2018 FFR-FedEx Charity car, Mark Lindsey and his girlfriend.

Two years ago, we built the charity car DURING the PGA FedEx tournament.
On behalf of everyone at Factory Five, we’d like to thank FedEx and all of the sponsors above.
Click here to donate to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
Click here for our recap of the 2018 FedEx St. Jude Mk4 Roadster build.
Click here for our recap of the 2017 FedEx St. Jude Mk4 Roadster build.
Click here for our recap of the 2015 FedEx St. Jude Mk4 Roadster build.