Pictured above are Sean (Indy) Puckett and wife Michelle driving his buddy Chris LeCornu’s Factory Five Mk4 Roadster. They took Chris’s car from 5th Gear Car Rally, a thousand miles from San Diego to Tucson. Then they headed to Scottsdale and the famous Route 66.

Indy and Chris say their claim to fame is “driving these cars in all weather conditions for thousands of miles with temperatures ranging from 120 degrees down to below freezing.” While speaking with Indy, I mentioned that he and Chris had a comparable mentality to Ralph Button on racking up the miles with adventures. I’m not sure what I started, but Highest Accrued Mileage award may see some competition in the future!

To Indy and Chris, “these cars are meant to be driven and we drive them as hard as they will allow us too!” I know I’m not the only one looking forward to hearing about more of Chris and Indy’s adventures. Good luck to you two!