Every other Thursday night all summer long here in New England, the Mass Cruisers Car Club sponsors a HUGE custom car, hot rod, and vintage car cruise-in at Patriot Place in Foxboro, MA. The cruise is referred to as The Bass Pro Cruise-In because the main parking lot is adjacent to the massive Bass Pro Shop at Gillette Stadium.
Last night, I decided to blow off work and head up to the cruise-in in my Coyote-powered Mk4 Roadster. Some customers showed up as well as an original 427 Cobra along with maybe 2,000 other cars to make it a fun evening. Here are some photos.
Dave Smith
Heading up on 495, light traffic and not the most accurate speedometer.
The Mass Cruisers Car Club have guys stationed everywhere and make parking easy and efficient.
Everyone is welcome. Vintage and modern Mopars.
My Mk4 Roadster was parked next to Craig Lindsey’s blue and white Mk3 Roadster.
The variety of cars at Bass Pro is remarkable. Here’s a nice ’32.
Factory Five customer Dave Borden (left) was in New England on business and visited Gary Cheney (center) and Mike (right). Mike drove his silver and black Roadster and Cheney drove his GTM that was at SEMA last year.
Mike’s Mk3 was soon joined by an original 427 owned by Tim Holmes (below). The car is CSX #3265 and is powered by a built 427 FE side oiler by Holman and Moody. The car is DRIVEN and looks like it.
Tim’s original 427 next to Mike’s Factory Five Mk3.
Factory Five customers Scott, Mike, and Mike Everson.
Scott came to the cruise-in a bit late and missed out on the reserved Factory Five parking, but his car drew a ton of attention.
The event has food (burgers and dogs) and music from a local radio station.
By 6 P.M. the crowds were pretty heavy and there was an estimated 1,800-2,000 cars.
Big thanks to the Mass Cruisers Car Club and if you’re in the Foxboro area, this fun car show is held every other Thursday night all summer long. Hope to see you at the next one!