The 2013 Carlisle Show was a great success and was marked with several firsts. The weather was sunny and warm for Friday and most of Saturday, and the crowds were as big as ever at the nation’s largest replica event. The crew from Factory Five brought our brand-new 818R and 818S chassis. The 818 will debut at our June 15th Open House.
Probably the most notable thing of the weekend show was the presence of Daytona Coupe designer Pete Brock who hosted a seminar and was gracious to take time to spend with Factory Five customers.
Factory Five customers Tim Potts (L) and Garry Bopp (R) displayed their Coupes. Here they are with Coupe designer Pete Brock. Garry brought his Coupe from the Atlanta, GA area to the show!
Factory Five customer Rick Soloway brought his stunning blue and white Factory Five Mk4 to the event. Rick is starting a cross country trip with his Factory Five Roadster.
Factory Fives occupied the north wall of the indoor show area.
Factory Five customer Tim Potts and his wife with their beautiful blue #26 Type 65 Coupe.
Pete and Gail Brock with customer Garry Bopp.
Factory Five crew for the weekend show consisted of Dan G., Dave C., Tony Z.
Factory Five customer Tim Potts took the opportunity to show Pete Brock his Coupe.
Pete Brock taught a seminar at Carlisle this year that was well attended.
The big hit of the show was a draw between the Factory Five Coupes and the brand-new 818R.
Factory Five customers brought a handful of cars to the outdoor car show and were rewards with beautiful weather.
Factory Five customer Bill F.’s GTM was without question the most exotic and impressive machine in the show. The car is soon to be featured by Vette Magazine and has been displayed at the SEMA Show.
The Factory Five 818R was displayed with the 818S chassis to the left of it and its big brother, the GTM, to the right. The 818 continues Factory Five’s tradition full-tubed frame, race-capable street cars.
Photos courtesy Factory Five customer Garry Bopp and Factory Five Forum member Meganuke.