Weekend Rally Honors Army National Guard Member Kennie Pagan
If you’re a Factory Five customer in the southeast region, you’ve probably met Garry Bopp. Garry has organized runs in the Atlanta area and will be at The Mitty this weekend with Factory Five’s Jim Schenck. Garry drives a stunning blue and white Type 65 Coupe.
While we were at the AHA-Pomona Show and the Huntington Beach Cruise-In for the past two weeks, FFR guys have been having fun on the east coast with this cool cruise. I got this nice letter from Garry with these photos and figured I’d share. Thanks for the stoke!
Dave Smith
“Several weeks ago, the Atlanta group of Cobra guys held a N.Ga. mountain run, in honor of Kennie Pagan, one of our group. He is an Army National Guard Blackhawk pilot and is presently on a 1 year deployment to Iraq. Kennie was home on 2 weeks leave, so we had to have a mt. run while he was home. Kennie and his lovely wife, Michaelanne, hosted a pizza party, with adult beverages for the hungry and thirsty cruisers. These pictures were taken by Kennie’s daughter, Lauren, during the drive.”
“Ed & Lynne Gollob surprised me by showing up with their beautiful #1 coupe. It’s great to have another coupe in our group and I made sure that I was in line behind him. What a wonderful sight, to watch a coupe storming through the twisties. The guy right behind me had an even better view, watching 2 coupes!”
“BTW, my coupe wears #98 on the rear panel, in honor of Ralph Littlefield. I don’t know if you heard, but Dave Hall bought #98 from Debbie Littlefield. He is from Tucson and has previously owned an FFR Roadster. He is presently enjoying finishing up the coupe and hopes to have it on the road soon.”
I plan on taking the coupe up to the Mitty and look forward to seeing Jim S. there.
Best wishes,