Factory Five Racing Parts Catalog Upgrade

Here’s a sneak peak of the updated FFR parts catalog.

You may have noticed the last few days we’ve been having some technical problems with our parts catalog. We apologize for the inconvenience as we are in the middle of a parts catalog upgrade. At this point, everything should be up and running shortly and you can still browse the old catalog for parts. If there is a part you need, just give us a call to place your order until the new catalog is up and running.

Factory Five Racing

Factory Five webmaster Dave “Mad Dog” Lindsey is working diligently to install the all-new Factory Five online parts catalog.

4 comments on “Factory Five Racing Parts Catalog Upgrade

  1. Gary Byrne on

    My name is Gary Byrne and I live in BC Canada.
    I would like to otder replacement seats number 16325 Black Vinyl Roadster seats.
    Do you ship to Canada?

    Price indicates 599 and sold in sets.
    Is 599 for the pair or is 599 each.
    Tx Gary in BC

  2. Dave Lindsey on

    Hi Gary – I have forwarded your message onto one of our techs to contact you about your parts order.

  3. Joe Angers on

    Looking to purchase a shifter boot and ring, but i am unable to find a listing for them. Also need price.

  4. Dave Lindsey on

    Hi Joe – Give us a call at 508-291-3443 and one of our techs can help get you a quote on those parts.

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