Fighter Pilot Laura K. is Bad News for Bad Guys

Fight Pilot Laura K. flies this exact E/A-6B fighter plane off of the carrier USS John C Stennis.
Sally B. here at Factory Five received a nice note from fighter pilot Laura K. and put together a small care package including brochures, posters, a signed hat, keychains, etc. Our company has a good record of recognizing and supporting our military. A lot of people forget that we have women like Laura in combat roles and we just wanted to take a minute and recognize her and ALL military members.
Dave Smith
“I am on my fourth deployment onboard an aircraft carrier, and have included a photo here of the airplane that I fly. I first heard about your company from my fiancé, only to learn that two of my fellow aviator friends have BUILT cars from you company! My plan is to have my fiancé and I build the Mk4 once I return home from this deployment. Needless to say I know the car won’t go as fast as my jet, but I’m pretty sure it’ll still give my petite 5’5’ frame a good kick in the pants.”
Laura K.
We would be honored to build you a car Laura!

Sally B. put together a Factory Five care package to send to Laura B.