Update from Dave Smith, 07-30-2020
2020 is rapidly becoming the year that never was when it comes to shows and events. Unfortunately, we are cancelling our Huntington Beach Cruise-In and our Open House. Both events had been delayed, and we were hopefully that we could still pull them off in 2020. But owing to the current conditions, both shows are regrettably cancelled. All that is left is SEMA 2020 that is still tentatively a go. Watch the video update on Facebook here.
Update from Dave Smith, 03-16-2020
We have tentatively rescheduled the event for September 12th, 2020. The original date of April 25th is not going to be possible due to the crowd limitations and virus concerns. Registrations can simply switch over to the new date or we can refund your money. I really hope that September works out. We have trophies, shirts, and a tremendous party planned, just now delayed.
Update from Dave Smith, 03-13-2020
Obviously this is a big question. Many events are cancelling or postponing around the country for March and much of April. This week I was able to get a larger display at SEMA (this fall!) as some companies have already backed out. I’m a contrarian and always see times like these as both challenging AND an opportunity. Regarding HB event, at worst I would postpone the event as it is dear to me and important for many reasons. We will have HB this year! We have been in constant communication with Chris at the town of HB and we still have some time to go (six weeks from tomorrow) before the event. Here a Factory Five we are open and following contact precautions for visits, cleaning our door handles and contact surfaces 4x a day and limiting tours to 6 or less people. We’ve got a ton of cars to build and can’t really weld from home, so staying healthy matters huge as a personal responsibility and also a business reality. My best friend is a senior pulmonologist at RI Hospital and I’ve got good council on this whole outbreak. We are going day by day and will adjust plans accordingly. If I had to guess I would say the event will most likely be postponed.. but when, I don’t know, and all I can tell you guys right now is that I will let you know when I know. I will not do this last minute. Also, while most of OUR event costs (FFR) are not refundable, anyone who cancels would obviously get a full refund. This is about celebrating and not about making money. Talk soon! Dave Smith
Help us celebrate our 25th Anniversary on Main St., HB!
25 years ago in 1995, Factory Five President Dave Smith left Huntington Beach to start Factory Five Racing. Join us this year on Main Street at the base of the world-famous Huntington Beach Pier to celebrate our anniversary with this fun one-day car show/cruise-in!
This year will be the 12th year of the Huntington Beach Cruise-In, and it is scheduled for Saturday, April 25th. Click Here Register Now!
Space is limited. The show is open to Factory Five makes only. The cost is $50 and that includes parking at the event, an event t-shirt, and eligibility for car show awards. New this year is an after show VIP cocktail reception which is limited to 150 people.

Spend a day at the beach with over 100 Factory Five owners, music, car show awards, and good times! Meet VIP guest Jo Coddington along with Dave Smith and the crew from Factory Five. Click Here Register Now! Space is Limited.
Note: You only need to register if you are bringing your car to be in the show. The show is open to the public and is free. Car show vehicles must arrive at Main Street before 9:00 A.M., and the show is over at 2:30 P.M. Parking lot next to the pier plaza on PCH is open until 10:00 P.M.
Registration opens at 8 A.M., and the event begins at 9 A.M. This year, the cruise-in will end at 2:30 PM. There will be a VIP cocktail reception at the Shorebreak Hotel from 5:30-7:30. Registration for this reception is required.

Entrance to the event will be on Walnut Ave. Enter from 1st Street, two blocks South of Main Street. Veer left on Walnut and follow it to the show. Registration will open at 8:00 A.M. and will continue until 9 A.M. at which time Main Street will be closed for the car show/pedestrian traffic.

Date and Place: Saturday, April 25th from 9 A.M. – 2:30 P.M.
Main Street, Huntington Beach, CA
8:00-9:00 A.M. – Registration
9 A.M. – Event Begins
10:00 A.M. – Car Show Judging Begins
11:30 A.M. – Live music by The Bohemians
12:00 P.M. – Car Show Awards and Special Presentations
2:30 P.M. – Cruise-In Event Concludes*
5:30 – 7:30 PM – VIP Cocktail Reception (registration required)

The 2018 show saw over 100 Factory Fives invade downtown Huntington Beach. We are limited to 150 vehicles. Show car parking will be on the first three blocks of Main Street as well as the Pier Plaza and the parking lot adjacent to the Pier Plaza. Read the 2018 HB Cruise-In report here.
Car Show Award Categories
Hot Rod Magazine “Editor’s Choice” Award presented by John McGann
ReinCarNation Magazine “Editor’s Choice” Award presented by Steve Temple, Editor
Best in Show Overall
Best in Show Roadster
Best in Show Type 65 Coupe
Best in Show GTM
Best in Show ’33 Hot Rod
Best in Show ’35 Hot Rod Truck
Best in Show 818
Best in Show Challenge Car
Best Use of Chrome
Best Paint
Best Engine
Best Interior/Details
Best Under Construction
Most Innovative Design
Highest Accrued Mileage
Factory Five Legacy Award Winner presented by Dave Smith, Factory Five President
Huntington Beach Pier
Main St. and Pacific Coast Highway at the base of the Huntington Beach Pier
Huntington Beach, CA 92648
Note: In order to ensure crowd safety, the city of Huntington Beach requires that all show cars be parked by 9 A.M. and not moved on the pedestrian plaza during the show hours. This is to comply with city rules for events with pedestrian traffic.
Lastly, if you have any questions, please contact Sally Bean at Factory Five by sending an e-mail to sally@factoryfive.com.

Host Hotel: Shorebreak Hotel, Huntington Beach
Right across from the pier plaza and car show is the Shorebreak Hotel and they are an event sponsor. They are giving our customers a special rate (customers must mention they are part of the Factory Five block and ask for the Factory Five rate) for April 24 and 25, 2020 ONLY.
Shorebreak Hotel
500 Pacific Coast Highway
Huntington Beach, CA 92648
Reservations: (714) 861-4470
*Make sure to say you are booking a room with the Factory Five rate. If you call the Shorebreak Hotel to book your room, please mention the event and booking code #K54.

Car show awards give us a chance to recognize master craftsmanship in the community. Above: Best in Show ’33 Hot Rod winner Deke Brown with FFR’s Sally Bean (left) and Jo Coddington (right)

Hot Rod Magazine presents an “Editor’s Choice” Award in 2018.

Read the report from the 2018 Factory Five Huntington Beach Cruise-In here.
Read the report from the 2017 Factory Five Huntington Beach Cruise-In here.
Read the report from the 2016 Factory Five Huntington Beach Cruise-In here.
Read the report from the 2015 Factory Five Huntington Beach Cruise-In here.
Read the report from the 2014 Factory Five Huntington Beach Cruise-In here.
Read the report from the 2013 Factory Five Huntington Beach Cruise-In here.
Read the report from the 2012 Factory Five Huntington Beach Cruise-In here.
Read the report from the 2011 Factory Five Huntington Beach Cruise-In here.