Category: What’s New

Towards SEMA 2011

Factory Five-Koni Shocks Gen 2 GTM Being Built We're already busy in the advanced planning stages of the 2011 SEMA Show and one car that will be a show stopper is this Gen 2 GTM (featured in the April 2011 issue of KCB Magazine). The car is being built in…Read More

Factory Five Gen 2 GTM Featured

Kit Car Builder Magazine Profiles Lastest FFR GTM The April 2011 issue of Kit Car Builder magazine arrived with a pleasant surprise of our Gen 2 GTM on the coverand a nice four page article inside! Automotive journalist Joe Greeves caught up with us in Florida and photographed the car…Read More

Cruisin' Style Magazine Profiles Factory Five

Performance Automotive's Daytona Customer Event The February 2011 issue of Cruisin' Style magazine has a nice feature on the customers who attended the 2010 Turkey Rod Run at Daytona last Thanksgiving. Kudos to Ron Raimonda at Performance Automotive (a Florida based builder of Factory Five Racing cars) and Wayne Presley…Read More

Tasca Ford "Drop-In" Engine Packages

Running Engine/Transmission Assemblies Ready to Drive The crew at Tasca Ford's Mod Shop have launched three engine packages, but these are more than just engine packages.  They are drop-in, ready to drive running engines with transmission, clutches, pulleys, intakes, everything! There are three packages available: A 340 HP 5.0L 302…Read More

Help Design the Next Factory Five!

First Place Wins $5,000 in FFR-GRM Body Design Competition Factory Five Racing is giving you the opportunity to join the ranks of automotive artists like Giugiaro Bertone and Pininfarina with our Factory Five-Grassroots Motorsports Magazine Design Competition. Your job is to sketch, draw, or otherwise develop a concept shape to…Read More

Body Design Competition

Help Design the Next Factory Five with Grassroots Motorsports Concept drawing by Murray Pfaff at Body Design Competition Starts March 1st The base dimensions, running gear, and chassis/suspensions work has been determined.  The body shape of this two-seater, mid-engined roadster is not finalized and we have decided, in conjunction…Read More

The Next Factory Five Car

Factory Five Designs New Mid-Engine Sports Car Based on tough Subaru WRX running gear, Factory Five's next car has been in development for almost a year.  With a space frame designed and tested on SolidWorks software, this single donor car will sell for $9,900.  We will use our 15 years…Read More

Back to the Grind After Winter Open House

Photos from Around FFR The dust has settled after our big Winter Open House and the crew is getting back to work. It's fun seeing the parts start rolling in now for the Anniversary Cars and the Gen 2 Coupe as well. Here are some photos from production. Dave Smith…Read More

Five Factory Five Surprises

Winter Open House "Moochfest" News I am pleased to bring you news of some fun projects that we've been working on here at Factory Five. If you are attending the Moochfest, you will get a close-up look at some of this work. If not, here is a short summary of…Read More

2011 Winter Open House, "Moochfest," Report

Big Crowds Come to Wareham for Winter Open House Factory Five stalwarts John George and Rob Baker (driving) hardcore. My tech support manager Jason Lavigne said it best, "I think we need a bigger building." This year's Winter Open House, also known as Moochfest (more on that in a second),…Read More

Join the New Factory Five Forum

As part of a major effort to better connect with our customers, suppliers, and vendors, we have sponsored an all-new online discussion forum.  Many Factory Five customers are helping with this effort.  The new forum has updated blogs, photo galleries, and is a great place to connect with Factory Five…Read More

The Road Ahead for 2011

By David Smith, President Two years ago it seemed as though the world was going to end. The reports from the media predicted an economic depression akin to the 1930’s. Things here looked fairly grim back then as well, and it wasn’t just the economy. As 2009 dawned we were…Read More

15 Year Anniversary Special Edition Mk4 Sold Out

We are pleased to report that all of the Special Edition Mk4 cars have been sold.  Production begins shortly on these very special Factory Fives and I wanted to send along a personal thank you to the 14 customers who have purchased these cars. Dave Smith President Owner of Special…Read More

Factory Five Takes on California Mudslide

Customer David Stokes' Mk3 Roadster Goes Four Wheelin' We got these cool images from Factory Five customer David Stokes whose Mk3 was caught in a torrential rain storm and canyon mudslide in Silverado, CA recently. The car and garage of his home were filled practically to the door sills with…Read More

Images from January 27 Northeast Snow Storm

Factory Five is Operational Through the Storm Yet another Nor'Easter hit us over night delivering 8-10" of snow on top of the last two storms. This kind of snow fall is unusual as we are close to the coast and typically when we get snow, it commonly turns to rain.…Read More

Street Rodder Road Tour News

Factory Five Sponsors 2011 Road Tour Check out this month's Street Rodder Magazine for coverage of the 2010 Road Tour. The Factory Five leg of the tour began here in Wareham and ended in Syracuse, NY at the Right Coast Nationals. This year, we are again doing the Road Tour…Read More

15 Year Anniversary Special Edition Mk4

First Ever Limited Edition Factory Five Now Available $25,990 I am excited to tell you about a first for Factory Five. In recognition of our 15 Year Anniversary, the team and I have drawn up plans to manufacture 15 limited edition Mk4 Roadsters. These cars are truly one of a…Read More

FFR Customer Gary Hagar Wins Again!

International Show Car Association Achievement Award I received an e-mail from customer Gary Hagar today. If you remember Gary's '33 Hot Rod won numerous awards this past summer, and his car was showcased on Spike's HorsePower TV. Gary just recently won third in class at a very completive ISCA show…Read More

Honeymoon in Wareham Part Two

FFR Customer Craig West Returns Home FFR President Dave Smith with customer Craig West and his pit crew Jack. The new year always puts me in a nostalgic mood as I look back over the years since we started and the adventured we've had. This morning, customer Craig West arrived…Read More