Category: What’s New

Factory Five Customer Gary H. Graduates FFR6203

Over on The Factory Five Forum, member buildit has posted his Graduation thread for his Factory Five Mk3 Roadster. FFR6203, which was delivered in July 2007, was actually "finished" in October 2011, but buildit has been out driving around the Houston area. It's painted Lexus Claret Mica with Lexus Diamond…Read More

Happy Thanksgiving from Factory Five

In January of 1998 I met Frank Keyser. Each year Frank has stopped by to visit when in the area. Frank has owned two Factory Five’s and is looking to build one of our new 33 Hot Rods. Frank is like so many people I’ve been lucky to meet over…Read More

Veteran's Day 2012

On behalf of all of the hard-working and patriotic employees of Factory Five, I would like to send a message of Thanks to all veterans of the US Armed Forces on this Veterans Day. We keep a symbol of this in our showroom to remind us that we live in…Read More

Monday Morning at Factory Five!

It's a busy Monday morning here at Factory Five as we move cars around after being unloaded off the Factory Five big rig which returned last week from the 2012 SEMA Show. Stewart is here picking up some new projects for customers to get started on and we took the…Read More

The 2012 SEMA Show is Under Way!

The 2012 SEMA Show is officially underway in Las Vegas and early reports show that the Factory Five Booth is already packed with attendees checking out our latest and greatest. The Mk4 Roadster, '33 Hot Rod, Type 65 Coupe, and GTM Supercar are all drawing big crowds with the new…Read More

Factory Five Customer Dave C.’s Stunning Gen 2 GTM

Factory Five customer Dave C. sent us these photos of his recently finished Gen 2 GTM taken at the beautiful Christipher Newport University campus. The GTM is features the Chevrolet LS376/480 EFI engine putting out 500+ HP @ 4,800 RPM and Radial Mount forged narrow superlite brakes. Here are the…Read More